About Me

blog-headshotHi there!  I’m Liz.  Thank you for coming to visit me here in my little corner of the web-world!

Reflecting Beautiful is about finding beauty in the every day.  Every single day we have the choice to live beautiful or to live ordinary.  Even when outside circumstances keep us from feeling in control, we can always choose how to respond and react; create beauty on the inside and reflect it on the outside.

A Little About Me

I grew up in the woods (sort of).  We lived in a lovely log home that our family built from rough timber my father logged himself.  We didn’t have a lot of money, so the building process took several years.  Growing up in a house-in-progress taught me a lot about adapting to my surroundings and living frugally.

My parents decided to homeschool when my older brother was in second grade.  Except for a few short weeks in kindergarten (which I hated), I never entered a traditional classroom until I was seventeen and attended a few college courses.

We were semi-traditional Seventh Day Adventists and my family chose to be heavily involved in volunteer ministry so my brother and I learned to give back to our community.  Our family served lunch in the local Native American School.  We also attended the small Adventist church attached to the school.  I learned to teach Sabbath School, lead worship and cooked a thousand potluck lunches.

In my teens, I went through a season of being very conservative.  I was complete vegetarian (as was my family).  I would only listen to classical music and highly conservative Christian music produced by my conservative friends.  At the age of seventeen, I encountered Christ in a very personal way and my life started down a new path that would eventually completely change me!

After giving my life to Christ and becoming a truly sold-out Christian, I began to question the system of faith I’d grown up in.  Soon I began to study and eventually studied myself out of Adventism.  This was an incredible journey of learning and understanding, enlightenment, heartache, and truth.

adamliz-wedding_editedWhen I was 23, we lost my dad to cancer, and there followed a few heartbreaking years of learning to live life without him.  A few years after that, I met a wonderful man and we were able to live out an amazing love story!  Now, we have been married for five wonderful years and he continues to amaze and bless me each and every day.

I love that my husband is 100% my fan all the time, even when I’m not very lovable.  I’m so blessed to be married to this man!  He makes my life more beautiful each day because he is a part of it!





cat-duo-1_editedWe also have two fat cats…and we might be slightly obsessed with them…to the point that they have their own home on the blog!!

Some days you just need a little light-hearted and furry fun, so head over HERE to meet Yoda and Spock and enjoy some of their escapades.  Furry friends really can help make our lives more beautiful – or at least more entertaining!



I was inspired to start blogging both because I love to write and because I have a story to share.  There is so much more to my life and our story, and so much more that I want to share with the world!  Sign up at the top of the sidebar and get new posts delivered right to your inbox.  Don’t miss a thing in this journey to explore beauty wherever we find it!